In lieu of a traditional card, honor a loved one with a donation in support of Reuth. We will mail a printed card or email an E-card for you.
Holiday Cards
Packs of Holiday Cards can be:
1. Mailed for you
2. Mailed to you
3. Emailed on your behalf
Rosh Hashana Cards – Order Here
Tribute Cards
In honor of/In memory of
The income generated from every purchase provides medical attention, animal therapy sessions, music therapy, & specific needs to our patients in the children’s department and Holocaust survivors in the subsidized housing.
AFR offers tribute cards for all occasions. A memorial gift provides a meaningful way to express your sympathy at the passing of a dear friend or family member. Gifts can also be made in honor of a living person or to commemorate a special event in your life including the birth of a child, birthdays, weddings, anniversaries or any special occasion.
Your tribute honoring your designated person will be acknowledged with a beautiful card. Each card is inscribed with a message appropriate to the occasion and will be signed in your name and sent directly to the person (the amount of the gift will not be indicated).
Please allow at least seven business day for delivery from the time we receive your order.
450 Lexington Ave #4553 New York, NY 10163