Covid-19 & Rehabilitation

This past year, most of the world has been facing the harsh realities of the Coronavirus Pandemic and its consequences. Our lives have been severely affected and disrupted. Israel is no exception. To date, coronavirus has claimed the lives of almost 6000 of its citizens. Many of those who have recovered display a variety of long-term symptoms, regardless of the severity of the initial illness. Reuth Rehabilitation Hospital once again rises to the call to help those in need of recovery. 
According to Professor Rafi Heruti, Head of the Rehabilitation Division at the Reuth Rehabilitation Hospital, the residual symptoms of recovering patients are varied and include physical and cognitive problems. For example, some long term effects include, but are not limited to, memory and concentration difficulties, problems with daily functioning due to fatigue and shortness of breath, decreased cardiopulmonary endurance, and other damage to the nervous system. Interestingly, varied cognitive effects were evident, as they were present amongst those patients who recovered from mild to moderate illness. However, these long-term effects are reversible. Comprehensive treatment and high-quality rehabilitation from an experienced multidisciplinary team at Reuth, results in a return to physical and mental functioning and the ability enjoy quality of life once again.
Reuth has had many years of success in treating patients who require long term mechanical ventilation which has provided a strong medical and holistic foundation to expand their resources in treating recovering Covid patients. There is now a national effort to rehabilitate recovering Covid patients at Reuth and so far, over 100 patients have been successfully treated using the comprehensive multidisciplinary approach, including physiotherapy, cognitive, occupational, speech and nutritional support. Reuth continuously responds to the shifting demands of its citizens. 
Thank you to all the Reuth Rehabilitation team who have helped and continue to help Rebuild Lives!